Penslar D. Israel in History. The Jewish State in Comparative Perspective. Routledge, 2007. 287 pp.

Опись А, №40132.

Пенслар, Дерек. Израиль в истории: еврейское государство в сравнительной перспективе.

Автор - профессор еврейской истории в ун-те Торонто. Книга о сионизме и становлении совр. Израиля.

Derek J. Penslar is the Samuel Zacks Professor of Jewish History and the Director of the University of Toronto’s Jewish Studies Program. His publications focus on Jewish political, economic, and cultural life in modern Europe, particularly Germany, and on the history of the Zionist movement and state of Israel. His books include Zionism and Technocracy: The Engineering of Jewish Settlement in Palestine, 1870-1918 (1991, Hebrew version 2001); In Search of Jewish Community: Jewish Identities in Germany and Austria, 1918-1933 (1998, co-edited with Michael Brenner), Shylock's Children: Economics and Jewish Identity in Modern Europe (2001); Orientalism and the Jews (co-edited with Ivan Kalmar, 2004), Contemporary Antisemitism: Canada and the World (2005), and Israel in History: The Jewish State in Comparative Perspective (2006). His current projects include a book on Jewish attitudes towards war and the military in modern history and a documentary history of Zionism. Penslar is co-editor of Jewish Social Studies and of The Journal of Israeli History., 2008
