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С: http://www.svots.edu/Faculty/Erickson-John.

B.A., Harvard College
M.Phil., Yale University
M.Th., St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary


Orthodox Christians in America (Oxford University Press, 1999)
The Quest for Unity: Orthodox and Catholics in Dialogue , with John Borelli (SVS Press and United States Catholic Conference, 1996)
The Challenge of Our Past: Essays in Orthodox Church History and Canon Law (SVS Press, 1990)
Associate editor, Orthodox America, 1794-1976 (Orthodox Church in America, 1975)
Editor and translator. Vladimir Lossky, In the Image and Likeness of God (SVS Press, 1974)
Co-editor, five volumes of Orthodox liturgical music (SVS Press)


"An Orthodox Peace Witness?" in The Fragmentation of the Church and its Unity in Peacemaking (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans -- in press)
"Baptism and the Church's Faith," in Marks of the Body of Christ, ed. Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jensen (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1999), 44-58
"Episkope and Episcopacy: Orthodox Perspectives," in Episkope and Episcopacy and the Quest for Visible Unity, ed. Peter C. Bouteneff and Alan D. Falconer (Geneva: WCC, 1999), 80-92
"Anathema: An Obstacle to Reunion?", St Nersess Theological Review 3 (1998), 67-75
"Eastern Orthodox - Oriental Orthodox Dialogue and Its Implications for Christian Unity Today," Eastern Churches Journal 5 (1998), 21-34
"The Apostolic Letter Orientale Lumen and the Dialogue for Unity between Catholics and Orthodox: An Orthodox Perspective," Eastern Churches Journal 4 (1997); Spanish translation in Las Iglesias Orientales, ed. Adolfo Gonzalez Montes (Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2000), 109-29
"The Code of Canons of the Oriental Churches (1990): A Development Favoring Relations Between the Churches?", The Jurist 57 (1997), 285-306; also in La Reception y la Comunion entre las Iglesias, ed. Herve Legrand, Julio Manzanares and Antonio Garcia y Garcia (Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia, 1997), 357-381; Italian translation in Recezione e Comunione tra le Chiese (Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1998), 311-332
"Georges Florovsky" and "John Meyendorff," in Makers of Christian Theology in America, ed. Mark G. Toulouse and James O. Duke (Nashville: Abington, 1997), 494-499, 500-503
"Worship and Prayer in Ecumenical Formation" (with Eileen W. Lindner), Theological Education 34 supplement (1997), 23-29
"Bishops, Presbyters, Deacons: An Orthodox Perspective," Kanon 13 (1996), 148-64
"Eastern Orthodox - Oriental Orthodox Dialogue: An Historical Perspective," St Nersess Theological Review 1 (1996), 51-57
"The New Ecumenical Directory of the Catholic Church: An Orthodox Theologian's Perspective," The Jurist 56 (1996), 667-90
"La Representacion Plastica de lo Divino como Problema Teologico de los Canones del II Concilio de Nicea (787) a Hoy," in Arte y Fe, ed. Adolfo Gonzalez Montes (Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia, 1995), 555-568
"The Value of the Church's Disciplinary Rule with Respect to Salvation in the Oriental Tradition," Atti del Congresso Internazionale "Incontro Fra Canoni d'Oriente e d'Occidente," ed. Raffaele Coppola (Bari: Cacucci, 1994), 245-274
"The Local Churches and Catholicity: An Orthodox Perspective," The Jurist 52 (1992), 490-508
"The Priesthood in Patristic Teaching," in The Place of the Woman in the Orthodox Church and the Question of the Ordination of Women, ed. Gennadios Limouris (Katerini: Tertios, 1992), 103-115
"Sacramental 'Economy' in Recent Roman Catholic Thought," The Jurist 48 (1988), 653-67
"Common Comprehension of Christians Concerning Autonomy and Central Power in the Church in View of Orthodox Theology," Kanon 4 (1979), 100-112
"The Collection in Three Books and Gratian's Decretum," Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 2 (1972), 67-75
"Greek Excerpts from the Decretum," Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 1 (1971),
Various entries in the Dizionario dell'Oriente cristiano, ed. Eduard Farrugia (Rome: Pontificio Istituto Orientale -- in press); the The Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. Joseph R. Strayer (New York: Scribner); and Lexikon fuer Theologie und Kirche
"First Among Equals: Papal Primacy in an Orthodox Perspective," Ecumenical Trends 27 (1998), 17-25
"On the Cusp of Modernity: The Canonical Hermeneutic of St Nikodemus the Haghiorite," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 42 (1998), 45-66
"The Formation of Orthodox Ecclesial Identity," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 42 (1998), 301-314
"The Reception of Non-Orthodox into the Orthodox Church: Contemporary Practice," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 41 (1997), 1-17
"Concerning the Balamand Statement," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 42 (1997), 25-43
"Other Voices: A Report from the National Council of Churches of Christ Faith and Order Commission: The Hermeneutics of Reconciliation," Reformed Liturgy and Music 30 (1996), 193- 198
"The Council in Trullo: Issues Relating to the Marriage of Clergy," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 40 (1995), 183-199
"A New Crisis in Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue," Ecumenism 107 (1992), 22-24
"Eastern Orthodox Perspectives on Divorce and Remarriage," in W. Roberts, ed., Divorce and Remarriage (Theological Book Service, 1990), pp 15-26
"The International Orthodox-Roman Catholic Commission's Statement on Ordination," Ecumenical Trends 18 (1989), 49-52
"Divergences in Pastoral Practice in the Reception of Converts," in T. Stylianopoulos, ed., Orthodox Perspectives on Pastoral Praxis (Holy Cross, 1988), 149-177
"Eucharist and Ministry in Bilateral and Multilateral Dialogue," Journal of Ecumenical Studies 23 (1986), 472-478 (reprint of SVTQ 28 (1984) 287-294 -- see below)
"The Reception of Non-Orthodox Clergy into the Orthodox Church," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 29 (1985), 155-132
"Reception of Non-Orthodox into the Orthodox Church," Diakonia 19 (1984-85), 68-86
"The 'Oikonomia' of Orders in Byzantine Canon Law," in S. Kuttner and K. Pennington, eds., Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress (unknown publisher), 259-270
"Eucharist and Ministry in Bilateral and Multilateral Dialogue," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 28 (1984), 287-294
"The Orthodox Canonical Tradition," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 27 (1983), 155-167
"Canon Law Society Meets," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 23 (1979), 51-54
"Penitential Discipline in the Orthodox Canonical Tradition," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 21 (1977), 191-206
"Ecumenical Nature of the Orthodox Witness," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 21 (1977), 220-224
"Consultation on the Date of Easter," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 21 (1977), 224-226
"Oikonomia in Byzantine Canon Law," in K. Pennington, ed., Law, Church and Society, Festschrift S. Kuttner (1977), 225-236
"Concrete Structural Organization of the Local Church: The 1971 Statute of the Orthodox Church in America," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 20 (1976), 9-18
"Autocephaly in Orthodox Canonical Literature to the Thirteenth Century," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 15 (1971), 28-41
"Leavened and Unleavened: Some Theological Implications of the Schism of 1054," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 14 (1970), 155-176

Church & Professional Activities

Member, Metropolitan Council, Orthodox Church in America (1999-present)
Unit coordinator for Church Order Ministries, Orthodox Church in America (1992-present)
Member and former chairman, Department of History and Archives, Orthodox Church in America
Member, Canonical Commission, Statute Commission, Preconciliar Commission, Orthodox Church in America
Member, Faith and Order Commission, National Council of Churches of Christ (1997-present)
Member, North American Orthodox - Catholic Theological Consultation (1976-present)
Member, U.S. Eastern Orthodox -- Oriental Orthodox Consultation
Member, Ecclesiology Study Group (1999-present)
Member and former president, Orthodox Theological Society of America
Member and former board member, American Society of Church History
Member, Gesellschaft fuer das Recht der Ostkirchen

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