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Яков Кротов. Богочеловеческая история. Вспомогательные материалы: Иосиф Флавий.

Studies on Josephus and the Varieties of Ancient Judaism. Louis H. Feldman Jubilee Volume. Ed. Shaye J.D.Cohen, Joshua J. Schwartz. Leiden: Brill, 2007. 322 pgs.

Опись А, №41163.

In Appreciation of Louis H. Feldman ...................................... vii
Josephus on Ancient Jewish Groups from a Social Scientific
Perspective .............................................................................. 1
Albert I. Baumgarten
Maccabees, Zealots and Josephus: The Impact of Zionism
on Joseph Klausner's History of the Second Temple ................ 15
David Berger
'Your covenant that you have sealed in our flesh':
Women, Covenant, and Circumcision .................................. 29
Shaye J.D. Cohen
Who are the Kings of East and West in Ber 7a?: Roman
Religion, Syrian Gods and Zoroastriansim in the
Babylonian Talmud ................................................................ 43
Yaakov Elman
The Meaning of 'Fisci Iudaici Calumnia Sublata' on the
Coinage of Nerva .................................................................. 81
Martin Goodman
The Abuse and Misuse of Josephus in Eusebius'
Ecclesiastical History, Books 2 and 3 ...................................... 91
Gohei Hata
Justus of Tiberias and the Synchronistic Chronology of
Israel ........................................................................................ 103
Chaim Milikowsky
'Women are (Not) Trustworthy'—Toward the Resolution
of a Talmudic Crux .............................................................. 127
Leib Moscovitz

Josephus and the Books of Samuel .......................................... 141
Etienne Nodet
Lysias—An Outstanding Seleucid Politician ............................ 169
Uriel Rappaport
Document and Rhetoric in Josephus: Revisiting the
'Charter' for the Jews ............................................................ 177
Tessa Rajak
Adnotationes criticae ad Flavii Iosephi Contra Apionem ............ 191
Heinz Schreckenberg
Josephus on His Jewish Forerunners (Contra Apionem
1.218) ...................................................................................... 195
Daniel R. Schwartz
Are the 'Halachic Temple Mount' and the 'Outer Court'
of Josephus One and the Same? .......................................... 207
Joshua Schwartz and Yehoshua Peleg
Conversion to Judaism in the Second Temple Period:
A Functional Approach .......................................................... 223
Seth Schwartz
Jews and Gentiles from Judas Maccabaeus to John
Hyrcanus according to Contemporary Jewish Sources ...... 237
Israel Shatzman
The Ancient Lists of Contents of Josephus' Antiquities ............ 271
Joseph Sievers
Index of Sources ........................................................................ 293
Index of Scholars Cited

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