Ко входуЯков Кротов. Богочеловвеческая историяПомощь

Яков Кротов. Богочеловеческая история. Вспомогательные материалы.

Byzantium in the year 1000. Ed. by Paul Magdalino. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2003. 305 pgs.

Опись А, №41088.

(The Medieval Mediterranean ; Vol 45)

Marriages towards the Millennium .......................................... 1
Jonathan Shepard
Political Elites in the Reign of Basil II .................................... 35
Catherine Holmes
Basil II and Asia Minor ............................................................ 71
Jean-Claude Cheynet
The Balkan Frontier in the Year 1000 .................................... 109
Paul Stephenson
Between Two Empires: Southern Italy in the
Reign of Basil II .................................................................... 135
Vera von Falkenhausen
Turning Sisinnios against the Sisinnians:
Eustathios Romaios on a Disputed Marriage ...................... 161
Ludwig Burgmann
Byzantine History Writing at the End of the
First Millennium .................................................................... 183
Athanasios Markopoulos
Byzantine Poetry and the Paradox of Basil II's Reign .......... 199
Marc Lauxtermann
Hagiography under the Macedonians: the Two
Recensions of the Metaphrastic Menologion ...................... 217
Christian Høgel
The Year 1000 in Byzantium .........................

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