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Carynnyk, M. "Jews, Poles, and other scum": Ruda Rozaniecka, Monday, 30 June 1941. Presented at the Fourth Annual Danyliw Research Seminar in Contemporary Ukrainian Studies Chair of Ukrainian Studies University of Ottawa (Canada) October 23-25, 2008. 23 pp.

Опись А, №40767.

"Ivas memorized the Decalogue, or Ten Commandments, of the Ukrainian Nationalist. The first commandment: "You shall attain a Ukrainian State or die in the struggle for it." The seventh commandment: "You shall not hesitate to commit the great- est crime if the good of the Cause requires it." Crime meant killing. A revolutionary had to be prepared to kill when the cause required him to. And the tenth commandment: "You will strive to spread the strength, glory, riches, and extent of the Ukrainian State even by subjugating foreigners."

Cм. Ленкавский.

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