Ко входуБиблиотека Якова КротоваПомощь

God's rule: the politics of world religions. Jacob Neusner, editor. Georgetown University Press, 2003. 290 pp.

Опись А, №40582.

Сборник: отношение к политике в разных религиях.

Introduction: Religion and Politics—a Volatile Mix 1

William Scott Green

Judaism 11

Jacob Neusner

Primitive and Early Christianity 37

Bruce D. Chilton

Roman Catholic Christianity 61

Charles E. Curran

Orthodox Christianity 85

Petros Vassiliadis

Reformation Christianity 107

Martin E. Marty

Classical Islam 131 John L. Esposito with Natana J. De Long-Bas

Modern Islam 159 John L. Esposito with Natana J. De Long-Bas

Hinduism 185

Brian K. Smith

Confucianism 213

Mark Csikszentmihalyi

Buddhism: The Politics of Compassionate Rule 233

Todd Lewis

Conclusion: Retrospective on Religion and Politics 257

Jacob Neusner

Ко входу в Библиотеку Якова Кротова