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Яков Кротов. Богочеловеческая история. Вспомогательные материалы.

Sex, violence, and the body: the erotics of wounding. Ed. Viv Burr, Jeff Hearn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 257 pgs.

Опись А, №41054.

1 Introducing the Erotics of Wounding:
Sex, Violence and the Body 1
Jeff Hearn and Viv Burr
2 Body Modification as Self-Mutilation by Proxy 15
Sheila Jeffreys
3 Breast Augmentation Surgery: Carving the Flesh as Female 34
Taina Kinnunen
4 Physical Bruises, Emotional Scars and 'Love-Bites': Women's
Experiences of Men's Violence 53
Michelle Jones and Jeff Hearn
5 Harming or Healing? The Meanings of Wounding among
Sadomasochists Who Also Self-Injure 71
Ani Ritchie
6 Making the Moves: Masculinities, Bodies, Risk and Death
in the 'Extreme' Sport of Rock Climbing 88
Victoria Robinson
7 Transformations of Pain: Erotic Encounters with Crash 103
Anthony McCosker
8 Tortured Heroes: The Story of Ouch! Fan Fiction and
Sadomasochism 119
Jenny Alexander
9 'Oh Spike you're covered in sexy wounds!' The Erotic
Significance of Wounding and Torture in Buffy the
Vampire Slayer 137
Viv Burr

11 Cut Pieces: Self-Mutilation in Body Art 177
Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen
12 The Loathsome, the Rough Type and the Monster:
The Violence and Wounding of Media Texts on Rape 194
Mona Livholts


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