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Генри Чедвик

(23 June 1920 – 17 June 2008)

Chadwick, Henry. The Early Church. Penguin Books, 1967. Pp. 303.

The Church in Ancient Society: From Galilee to Gregory the Great. Oxford, 2001. 737 pp.

Augustine of Hippo. A Life. Oxford University Press, 2009. 198 pp.

Его перевод "Против Цельса" Оригена

Историк Церкви. Декан Крайст Черч в Оксфорде. Окончил Итон, Магдален колледж. Кембридж, в Оксфорде с 1959. В 1979 г. вернулся в Кембридж. Англиканский священник. Крупнейший историк Церкви, нечто вроде англиканского папы.

Chadwick, Henry

Главные труды:

Origen: Contra Celsum (1953)

Early Christian Thought and The Classical Tradition: Studies in Justin, Clement, and Origen (Oxford, 1966)

Priscillian of Avila: The Occult and the Charismatic in the Early Church (1976)

Augustine (Past Masters, Oxford, 1986)

Saint Augustine: Confessions (Translation, introduction, notes. Oxford, 1991)

The Early Church (The Penguin History of the Church, 1967 revised 1993)

The Church in Ancient Society: From Galilee to Gregory the Great (Oxford History of the Christian Church, 2001)

East and West: the making of a rift in the Church (History of the Christian Church, 2003)




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