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Яков Кротов. Богочеловеческая история.- Вера. Вспомогательные материалы

Кесария Палестинская


Patrich, Joseph. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Caesarea Maritima. Caput Judaeae, Metropolis Palaestinae. Leiden: Brill, 2011. Pp. 513.

The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima, Vol. 1. Ed. Charles T. Fritsch. Studies in the History of Caesarea Maritima. Scholars Press, 1975. Pp. 126.

Grafton, Anthony; Williams, Megan. Christianity and the transformation of the book: Origen, Eusebius, and the library of Caesarea. Harvard University Press, 1989. 385 pgs.

Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Caesaria Maritima. Ed. Donaldson, Terence L. WIlfrid laurier University Press, 2000.


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