Ко входуЯков Кротов. Богочеловвеческая историяПомощь

Яков Кротов. Богочеловеческая история. Вспомогательные материалы: соборы, 14, 15 вв.


Oakley, Francis. The Conciliarist Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Oakley, Francis, Natural law, conciliarism, and consent in the late Middle Ages: studies in ecclesiastical and
intellectual history. London: Variorum Reprints, 1984.

Tierney Brian. Foundations of the Conciliar Theory: The Contribution of the Medieval Canonists from Gratian to the Great Schism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1955).

The Church, the Councils, and Reform: The Legacy of the Fifteenth Century. 2010. Edited by Gerald Christianson, Thomas M. Izbicki, Christopher M. Bellitto. Cборник статей в память о выходе книги Тирни Брайна 1955 г.

Conciliarism and papalism, edited by J.H. Burns and Thomas M. Izbicki. Cambridge [England]; New York,
NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Crowder, C. M. D., Unity, heresy and reform, 1378-1460: the conciliar response to the Great Schism. C. M.
D. Crowder. London: Edward Arnold, 1977

Jacob, E. F., Essays in the Conciliar Epoch. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1963

Pascoe, Louis B., Church and reform: bishops, theologians, and canon lawyers in the thought of Pierre
d'Ailly, 1351-1420. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2005



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